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Garrett Gibson as a child.jpg 2020-08-31

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chuck and grandfather everett.jpg 2020-08-29

Garrett Gibson
Taken in 1865.

Garrett Gibson's Civil War Pin
Reads Co. K, 125th Ill., volunteer infantry, War 1861-65, with an acorn engraved. Buttons with it had bagpipes on them.

Everett Gibson
Everett Gibson graduated from Colorado Teachers College in 1928.

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Garrett and Harriet Gibson Family
(from left, back row and then front): Everett, Mable, Effie, Alice, Abner, Oliver (Ollie), Harriet, Albert, and Garrett Gibson. Garrett fought in the Civil War and homesteaded in Kansas, where he died in 1924. Mabel Gibson Reed, a good pianist but poor cook, had 5 children and no grandchildren. Abner never married. Everett was a teacher. Ollie opened a hardware store in Gaylord, Kans. where Everett worked before moving to Colo. Albert died in childhood as did 2 other siblings not pictured.

Mattie and son Ralph Gibson

Gibson Family
Everett, Ralph and Mattie.

Everett and Mattie Gibson
Everett Alfred Gibson of Cedarville, Kans., age 24 and Martha Ellen Muxlow of Agra, Kans., age 25. Wedding photo; they were married in Phillips County, Kansas, on July 6, 1907.

Gibson Hardware in Gaylord, Kansas in the early 1900s.

Everett and sister Mabel Gibson

Mahala Gibson
Jan. 1, 1902 at age 76. Mother of Garrett Gibson.

Garrett and Harriet Gibson

Everett and Mattie Gibson

Three Gibsons
Three generations of Gibsons: Garrett, Everett, and young Ralph. Photo taken at the family home in Gaylord, Kansas in 1922.

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Everett Gibson
He was known as a good violinist.